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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues

B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues

2018-11-07 13:05 reading: 181
Some players will not clear the NVRAM information of the router due to technical research, causing the device IMEI\SN\SSID\WIFI 
KEY to be cleared, and the MAC address becomes BA:AB:BE:34:00:00, Reset reset function Invalid. 
Although you can try to rewrite IMEI\SN\SSID\WIFI KEY, 
it is often impossible to fix RESET and MAC, and it will lead to a greater probability of "lighting only". The "light only power light" caused by the brush machine is different from the "light only power light" that the device naturally fails. Naturally faulty "light-only power lights" are better to repair, and artificially brushed out is more difficult to repair. 
This test sample is a brushed NVRAM information, the device can not be activated after RESET, only the power light is on.
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issuesX

Device Label Information 
Because the RESET function has been disabled, the “light-only power lamp” is more difficult to repair. However, after trying or repairing the normal, the following is the device information after the repair: 
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues
device information has been brushed firmware 21.321.03.00.00, but you can see that IMEI is 15 bit 0, MAC address BA: AB: BE: 34:00: 00, 
Reset failed. 
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues
The SSID becomes HUAWEI-340000. The 
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues
password is unknown. You cannot connect to WIFI. You cannot connect 
through WIFI. You can only connect with a network cable. Access the background device. 
By repairing the NV information, the device RESET function is normal, the tag information is rewritten and saved to the NVRAM, and the device is normal. 
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues
Serial number display, MAC address change 
B310As-852 fixes NV and RESET reset issues
SSID recovery 捅reset, device restart, the above information is retained, no loss, repair work is completed normally.

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